AIOU COL MBA Guidelines for Synopsis and Thesis Preparation
The research work at universities helps and guides the students for the preparation of uniform thesis for the award of respective degree. The intention of these guidelines is to provide a technical framework for the preparation of AIOU thesis synopsis. If the thesis is not presented in the required format, it will not be accepted, nor will the degree be conferred until all the required specifications have been met. Further, the thesis will not be microfilmed, limiting the availability of the research to other scholars within the academic community and beyond.
For information on policy and procedures governing the defence of the thesis, both at the master’s and doctoral level, please consult the Examination branch AIOU or the departmental supervisor.
In writing a AIOU thesis students must conform to accepted standards in organizing and presenting their data clearly and logically, and in applying accepted practices of manuscript form consistently. Strict adherence to the standards which follow ensures:-
- Reader accessibility
- The ability to reproduce the thesis on request, and
- The durability of the archived copy of the thesis.
- Reader accessibility requires that the thesis be carefully prepared. Only good quality thesis will be reproduced and microfilmed. Durability depends on quality paper and correct binding of the AIOU COL thesis.
Close attention by the student to these criteria will expedite the processing and availability of thesis.
Components of a AIOU COL MBA Thesis Synopsis
The following components should be provided in a synopsis of AIOU COL MBA research project. The details may, however, vary according to the field of study.
The synopsis topic for research should be selected carefully. It should be specific and about the general issues at national or international level.
It should provide a brief description to explain the area of the proposed research work by the researcher.
Review of Literature
A review of the relevant literature is another very important part of the synopsis, showing the work done previously in the area of proposed research is essential to plan further research effectively and in a proper way. The information given in the review should be supported by references.
Justification and Likely Benefits
It is important to provide justification for undertaking the proposed research, perhaps in the light of previous work done. It should be possible in most cases to predict the specific and general benefits likely to be achieved as a result of completion of the proposed research.
Main Objectives of the Study
Broad objectives to be achieved should be clearly mentioned and these should be itemized. These objectives will indicate the major aspects of the study to be undertaken.
Hypothesis of Study
Hypothesis is statement which is to be tested for possible acceptance or rejection. Hypothesis are of two types i.e. Null (Ho) and Alternative (H1). Null hypothesis is tested for possible rejection, whereas alternative hypothesis is tested for possible acceptance.
Significance of Study
It emphasized on the significance/ importance of the research work/study i.e. why we selected the topic under discussion.
Statement of Problem
The researcher has to clearly identify the problem/issue selected for AIOU thesis.
Plan of Work and Methodology
A plan of work describing the various aspects of the study in a logical sequence along with the methodologies to be employed, are the most important crucks of any research plan. It helps to demonstrate that the researcher has a fairly good idea about the nature of work likely to be involved. In the case of social sciences what resource materials will be used; whether the required information will be obtained from primary or secondary sources, etc.
Place of Work and Facilities Available
In order to complete the proposed research some specialized facilities may be required. For example in case of experimental sciences different equipments may be involved or in the case of, may be, a study on a scholar, the relevant literature may be available in a foreign country. Therefore it is important to identify the place where the research work will be undertaken and whether the resources and facilities required for doing the research are available like easy access to the external academic markets via internet.
References and Bibliography
Synopsis should contain at the end a list of references, and a bibliography if required. These should be written on a standard pattern.
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