AIOU Thesis Synopsis Format or steps for writing Allama Iqbal open University, In synopsis format most of the essential Steps to be followed during Synopsis writing (3000 words/25-30 pages). You are require to enhance your knowledge by reading the previous post.
Synopsis Format Background Section
Introduction of study along with its origin, history and background, Introduce the topic with the support of references in ascending order. Also write the introduction of company, organization, sector or industry, where you are going to conduct the research. But your main focus should be on the topic. Describe each variable in this part.
Problem Identification/ Broad Problem Area/Need of the Study
You have to identify the problem, where the actual problem is existing theoretically as well as practically, as we have discussed in the class how to identify the problem, I mean build a story by three different ways 1) Find the gap from literature with proper references (future directions/ limitations of updated papers specially from 2009-10-11-12 papers); 2) build the local scenario of your target sector or companies by comparing the theory/literature and practice/actual situation and 3) compare the current situation of your particular sector or company with globe and then write situation of Pakistan.
Problem Statement
Write the actual problem/crux in one or two sentence/s drive it from the problem identification.
Research Question/s
Derive from problem statement
Objectives of the Study
Write the objective/s of your study which start from “to” and the mostly useable words are (To explore, to determine, to find out, to measure, to highlight, to examine, to judge).
Significance of the Study (1.5 -2 pages)
Discuss the importance/worth/rationale of the study, what kind of benefit and who will be the beneficiary/ies of this work, what will be the practical implications, how this study will contribute in your particular area or sector? What kind of policy will be given by this study?.
Scope of the study (1 page)
What will be the scope of your research in future? How much your study will cover the scenario? How much the study results are generalized.
Chapter # 2 (10-15 pages) Literature Review
In this part explain your study variables by the support of citations/references, I mean bombard this part with references. Literature review should be written as i.e. the significant relationship was found among the dependent and independent variables (Aurther, 2009: 23 page); or Sing (2010) conducted a research on…………. page numbers if feel convenient. Also put you voice among the different scholars ideas/finds (I mean commentary).
Theoretical framework (Only for primary data)
Draw a figure which shows the independent/s mediating/moderating/ intervening and dependent variables relationship and put the sign (+ or -) on arrows on the bases of literature review.
Research Model (only for secondary data)
Draw an equation and tell about abbreviation/s or alphabetic/s.
Hypotheses Statements
Draw the hypothesis/es on the bases of literature review. What relationship was found in previous researches and yours’ study assumptions/hypotheses will be in line of previous studies.
Chapter # 3 (5-10 pages) Research Methodology
Research Design
Explain what is research design? and what will be the design of this study?.
Population of the Study
Explain what is population? and what will be the population of this study?.
Sampling Techniques
Explain the techniques of sampling and what will be sampling technique of this study?.
Sample Size
What is sample? And what will be sample size of your study?
Instrument and Measures/ Research Tools (very important part of the chapter)
Write about the research instrument, how many variables are used? How many are independents and dependents? Write their names. Is scale/instrument/questionnaire self developed or adopted or adapted from previous studies? If adopted/adapted from past studies give their references. Also write how many items/statements/questions are used to measure the each variable. Which software will be used for analysis?.
Procedure/ data collection
Explain what will be the procedure of data collection.
Data Analysis
What will be the appropriate tests for your study and write the assumptions/applications of those tests?
Discussion and Managerial Implications in Synopsis format
In this section (which also sometimes called the “Discussion” or “Implications” section) you will focus on the stigmatization of your research results, draw salient conclusions, and tie your study back into the body of literature (that was reviewed earlier in the article). You may also provide discussion of both practical and theoretical implications, as well as make recommendations for extending research and advancing knowledge on this particular topic. Furthermore, you did not allow to “going beyond” of your data and results. In other words, your study’s conclusion should follow logically from its findings.
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