Synopsis Topics AIOU Col MBA

Below is List of Synopsis AIOU COL MBA for students of commonwealth mba / mpa – Allama Iqbal Open University. If your topic for the synopsis is not available in given list, you can contact us.  Here are some AIOU COL MBA Project Reports topics tools. These Tools topics are easier to use making a project. However, may I pose a note of caution here. Various student’s of various colleges copied the projects of others. There were only a few exceptions. If you are capable of creating a project on your own, please do so. Use this as a guideline only. If you copy these projects as it is, it would only create problems for you in the Viva section. So please only refer these projects and not copy them totally. Hope you do well on the Viva and the final exam.

List of Our Successful approved Synopsis of AIOU COL MBA

  1. Effects of feature transformation and selection on classification of network traffic activities
  2. A multi-objective genetic algorithm clustering ensembles based approach to summarize relational data.
  3. Antecedents of occupational stress among the professionals in the construction industry: Moderating role of self-efficacy.
  4. Comparison of face recognition techniques: the effects of features and parameters setting.
  5. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty to mobile phone services in the federal territory of Pakistan.
  6. The effect of the brand name on consumer buying behavior towards food products.
  7. The effect of product review in online blogs on customer purchase intention.
  8. Effect of restaurant image on customer satisfaction and patronage intention towards fast food restaurants: The moderating role of brand choice.
  9. The effects of the hands-on approach versus textbook-centered learning on conceptual understanding and interest in science among year four students.
  10. The effects of perceived justice on satisfaction and customer loyalty in Pakistan telecommunication industry.
  11. The effects of perceived value and trust on customer loyalty and mediating effects of customer satisfaction: A study of foreign banks in Pakistan.
  12. Examining the influence of person-environment fit on the relationship between job characteristics and task performance: A study of the public services in Pakistan.
  13. Examining the intention to use Learning Management System among students in the University of Punjab.
  14. External and internal factors of impulse buying behavior in reference to gender.
  15. Factors affecting intention to create new venture among public sectors and private firm employees in Pakistan.
  16. The financial structure that contributes towards the economic growth of Pakistan in the short-run and long-run.
  17. Food labeling in Lahore and Karachi Pakistan: Consumer, industry and legislation perspectives.
  18. Genetic algorithm based network coding in wireless ad networks.
  19. The impact of private higher education institutions image on students’ satisfaction and loyalty: The case of the private college in Punjab, Pakistan.
  20. The influence of celebrity endorsement and attachment to the celebrity on customer attitude towards brand and purchase intention among people in Pakistan.
  21. The influence of consumers’ perception and demographic profile on attitude towards green food and green food purchase intention.
  22. The influence of job satisfaction on job performance: A case study of National bank of Pakistan.
  23. The influence of trusting social media electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) source and attitude on intention to follow the eWOM: A study of the Pakistan travelers with the moderating role of gender.
  24. Integrating organizational factors, quality management and knowledge management to organizational performance in Pakistan manufacturing companies: The mediating role of innovation
  25.  An investigation of creativity and conceptual understanding in the state of matter using directed creative process based science project among year 5 primary school students.
  26. Multiobjective coevolution of artificial neural network ensembles for game artificial intelligence. (PhD thesis by Mian Aamir)
  27. The relationship between emotional intelligence and collaborative behavior with leadership styles at Textile sector Pakistan.
  28. The relationship between marketing mix elements, brand equity dimensions and overall brand equity: mediating effect of brand equity dimensions in the context of premium skincare brands in Pakistan. (Masters thesis by Mian Aamir)
  29.  The relationship between personality traits, entrepreneurial orientation, and business performance:
  30. The relationship between railway service quality and customer satisfaction in Sabah: The moderating effect of dwelling area.
  31.  The relationship between relational benefits and customer loyalty in mobile telecommunication industry in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah: The moderating role of switching costs
  32. The relationship between strategic human resource practices and job performance of Landscape Department,
  33. The relationship of country-of-origin, consumer’s attitudes, and purchase intention: A study of automotive products at Pakistan.
  34. The relationship of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, and perceived trust toward behavioral intention to use mobile check-in for airlines service and the mediating role of attitude.
  35.  The relationship of perceived value, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty of smartphone: The moderating effect of gender among youth.
  36. The relationships between product personality, attitude, and purchase intention towards Pakistan batik.
  37. A study of factors which influence online purchase intention of an online brand.
  38. The use of manipulative teaching and learning aids and cooperative learning among mathematics slow learners.
  39. The antecedents and consequence of employee engagement: A study from the perspective of employees.
  40. Cognitive biases of the independent entrepreneur in determining the entrepreneur’s venture success.
  41. Comparative study of mangrove composition and diversity in Pakistan.
  42. Consumption values, environmental concern, attitude and purchase intention in the context of green products.
  43. Design and development of a flexible robotic arm vision system for an orthopedic robot.
  44. Design and modeling of an autonomous robotic airship with soft computing control.
  45. Development of fuzzy navigation and instrumentation system for the telediagnostic mobile robot.
  46. The effect of job stressor on stress on the employees of logistics firms in Pakistan with the moderating effect of personality and stress coping strategy.
  47.  The effect of budgetary participation on managerial performance
  48. The effect of corporate social responsibility on nonfinancial performance in Sabah oil palm industry.
  49. The effect of psychological traits on entrepreneurial intention in Pakistan
  50. The effect of’ Islamic work ethics on job satisfaction and organizational commitment: A mediation model.
  51. The effects of leadership communication on employee engagement in the private higher education institutions: A study on motivating language.
  52. The effects of nonverbal communication of hotel employees upon emotional responses of hotel guests.
  53. The effects of writing through blogging on ESL learners’ writing apprehension and writing quantity.
  54.  Entrepreneurship education: A study on science and non-science students self-employment intention.
  55. Evaluation of rat occurrence in oil palm plantations using GIS and remote sensing techniques.
  56. Factors determining work-life balance among university lecturers in Punjab.
  57. Factors influencing consumers’ purchase intention towards online group buying websites.
  58. Factors influencing retirement planning of working individuals in Pakistan.
  59. Factors influencing the online purchase intention of the movie ticket: The mediating effect of trust and perceived usefulness.
  60. Factors that influence confidence to consume the product with unauthorized halal logo.
  61. Gender discrimination in human capital practices.
  62. The impact of university image attributes on students’ satisfaction and loyalty.
  63. The influence of brand image towards overall satisfaction and loyalty intention in the context of local caramelized coffee manufacturing industry.
  64. The influence of consumers’ perception of green products on green purchase intention.
  65. The influence of country image and perceived risk on consumer purchase intention on Korean brand automobiles in Pakistan.
  66. The influence of store image on consumers’ patronage intentions towards apparel retail store in Pakistan: The role of attitude as mediator.
  67. Influence of wood extractives from different extraction solvents on the color changes and mechanical properties of Acacia hybrid particleboard.
  68.  Influence of work-life balance and training and development on employee performance: A study in Pakistan.
  69. Intrinsic and extrinsic attributes, attitude towards seaweed crackers and purchase intention of seaweed crackers products developed by the school of food science and nutrition.
  70.  The investigation of motivating factors that contribute to staff retention of executive level in Pakistan.
  71.  The mediating role of job involvement in the relationship between career development and talent development practices towards employee quality work-life balance: An empirical study among public sector employees in Punjab.
  72. A panel data analysis of the Fisher effect: Evidence from the selected developed countries.
  73. Potentiality of locally isolated purple non-sulfur bacteria as aquaculture feed supplement.
  74.  A rational approach to the design for highway formations.
  75. The relationship between culture and conflict management styles.
  76. The relationship between culture and ethical values in determining entrepreneurial venture success.
  77.  The relationship between destination image, overall tourist satisfaction, and tourist loyalty intention:
  78.  The relationship between economic growth and foreign direct investment in Pakistan: based on location advantage channel.
  79. The relationship between employee capability and job performance.
  80. The relationship between leadership style and employee performance: A case of the federal public sector in Punjab.
  81.  The relationship between relationship quality, satisfaction, and performance: In the context of dealers and account managers in telecommunication industry at Pakistan. (Masters thesis)
  82.  The relationship between satisfaction with performance management, happiness at work and job performance in the hotel industry
  83. The relationship between store image, overall customer satisfaction, and store loyalty. (Masters thesis)
  84. The relationships between motivational factors in learning and academic achievement among part-time adult learners.
  85. Smartphone dependency and impact on consumer purchase behavior of people in Pakistan.
  86. A study on the comparison of potential anthelmintic activity between papaya seeds and papaya latex on hymenolepis diminuta infection in rats.
  87.  A study on tax knowledge and tax compliance in self-assessment system among academicians.
  88. Study on the key factors influencing buyers’ preferences for house purchase in Pakistan.( Masters thesis)
  89.  A study on the relationship between employees’ perception on training benefits, affective commitment, and work performance. (Masters thesis)
  90. Weighted mean iterative methods for solving Fredholm integral equations. (PhD thesis)
  91.  Why are consumers reluctant to buy a home appliance online?The effect of perceived risk and the moderating role of the online consumer review.
  92. A comparative study between public and private universities students’ intention to become entrepreneurs. (Masters thesis)
  93. The compensation strategy and compensation strategy and its influence towards workers turnover intention in Pakistan Private Healthcare Sector.
  94. Consumer perceived risk and purchasing behavior toward food safety issues. (Masters thesis)
  95. Determinants of capital expenditure decisions: Analysis of Pakistani listed companies within the managerial and pecking order hypotheses. (PhD thesis)
  96. Does relationship exist between exchange rates and stock prices: evidence from Pakistan.
  97.  The effect of job rotation practices on motivation: A study among the administrative and diplomatic officers.
  98.  The effect of perceived food image and overall satisfaction among tourists.


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