AIOU Research Project M.Com

AIOU Research Project M.Com

At AIOU Research Project M.Com level the students are being prepared to understand business research and beable to apply research results to their practice. The students who complete their projects successfully would be able to bridge the gap between the production of knowledge and real world application of knowledge. Successful completion of Research Project is mandatory for the award of M. Com degree. All research poses a question which motivates the researcher to seek an answer. The project is no different. For all types of research projects, students have to identifya problem in the area of interest, to review the literature relating to the problems area,  investigate the problem with a particular research methodology and interpret the results.

AIOU Research Project outcomes

Empirical research involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data. An empiricalresearch paper presents its findings in the form of a well-developed analysis defended by the evidence. The data may be gathered first-hand (e.g. interviews, questionnaires, observations, focus group, etc.) or second-hand (e.g. a content analysis of financial reports, television commercials or an organization‟s internal correspondence; or a  re-analysis of existing data like OECD reports or computerized personnel records, etc. The following is indicative of the layout of the main body of an empirical research paper.

Discussion (including Conclusion): Pulls together the research questions that were asked  with the answers that were obtained though the analysis of the data; provides commentary on  these findings (e.g. do they confirm or reject particular views?; how do they conform the literature?); identifies limitations of the existing study and makes suggestions for future  research; state clearly the conclusions that are reached and its implications and  recommendations for relevant stakeholders (e.g. businesses, practitioners, governments,

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