COL Project on impact of Reward on Employee Motivation

AIOU COL MBA Projects/Thesis on COL Project on impact of Reward on Employee Motivation

This research is conducted to know the reward and recognition on employee motivation level at ANF Pakistan. The importance of employee motivation cannot be neglected and reward and recognition system has always been the top priority to enhance their motivation. There is considerate evidence in past that those companies dwelled who gave importance to their employees and improved their reward & recognition system. The reward & recognition system is set to see the feedback obtained from employees and meet the deficiencies in their system and improving it to enhance the employee productivity.

This research has used the simple random sampling technique and the data obtained is measured by mean test evaluation and correlation. Simple random sampling gives the best and ease of handling the questionnaire to gather the data while mean test evaluation is the easiest to understand and interpret the data.

From this research, it has been observed that majority of respondents have selected strongly agreed option for working content, working condition, personal, my leader, payment, benefit, promotion and recognition.

The current research paper will help easy understanding of the impact of reward and recognition on employee motivation at ANF Pakistan. The results of this research will also help bringing out different outcomes and be helpful for the management and administration members to know the employee motivation level.

The senior management and administration can use this research usefully to improve their reward and recognition system to improve the employee motivation level. This will also help other researchers know the impacts of reward and recognition system and how it motivates the employee motivation level.

Mean factor wise

Work. Content
Working. Condition
My Leader

Work content: the mean test value for work content is 4.49 which indicate that majority of respondents have selected strongly agreed option for the statement that employee are interested in their work, they have variety of work, they receive training daily, amount of work is easy to handle, employee control the amount of work they do, is independent of others, take responsibility of their work, knowing the reason of their mistakes, choosing the methods for doing the work, their work is the way to their future success, employee is not dismissed without good reason, opportunity to take part in decision making process, work is given value in the department and they have certain degree of authority in their work.

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One Comment

  1. Raza February 2, 2015 Reply

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