Relationship between job satisfaction and Employee Empowerment


The rationale of this study is to explore the level of academicians’ psychological empowerment, job satisfaction, the level of academicians’ organizational commitment and the relationship between academicians’ empowerment, job satisfaction and organizational commitment in degree colleges of district Sialkot (Pakistan) Data was collected from 293 academicians of degree colleges. The findings obtained based on this study indicates that in general, academicians of degree colleges shows a high level of empowerment, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. By using regression analysis it is found that there is a positive relationship between meaning, competencies, self-determination, impact on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. But the meaning and impact cognitions are most important that contributed to organizational commitment.

Additionally, in this study job satisfaction was taken as a mediator in the relationship between psychological empowerment and all three dimensions of organizational commitment. Results of mediation analysis indicate that job satisfaction mediates in the relationship of psychological empowerment and affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment and overall organizational commitment. This study concludes that different scope of empowerment should be considered to empower employees. At least, heads of educational institutes need to keep in mind the four dimensions of empowerment discussed in this study. It will enable them to design and implement a successful empowerment plan. This study also suggested a number of strategies to improve academician’s organizational commitment and job satisfaction and practical implication of the study that could help in the implementation of empowerment in HEIs.

Job satisfaction and Employee empowerment

One of the leading challenges in a competitive environment is to implement effective human development strategies to enhance organizational performance. The more and reliable factor behind the higher performance of any organization is an employee. An organization with good management always considers employees, its assets and portal to productivity and organizational performance. In a dynamic environment, the organization gives more importance to employees instead of capital. To make sure that their goals are achieved, organizations foster an environment of employee empowerment and develop strong cooperative environment. Today management actively focuses on the physical environment and the conducive management style for workers (Chandrasekar, 2011 ). The conducive management style is essential for organizational effectiveness by changing the aspects of ethics, employee’s behavior, commitment, and interpersonal relationship.

Significant relationship between job satisfaction and employee empowerment

An organizational environment which promotes satisfaction, commitment and productivity are essential for business. Many studies have exposed that the most employees do not stay with their organization because of having no power to take job-related initiatives. To improve the organization environment, management style has changed and organizations are now giving more responsibilities and freedom to their employees to create a positive environment. A positive and encouraging work environment influences employees about coming to work, and this provides the intrinsic motivation to sustain them.

What is Role of Education in educating the employee

Education plays a principal role in socially and economically deprived sections of society to create opportunities by developing prolific and informed citizenry (Kazmi & Quran, 2005). In this globalization era, economic life is more competitive and demanding expertise development. The education sector is human intensive and effectiveness of this sector is mostly dependent on their quality employees. The education sector is highly interactive as compared to other sectors. Therefore, employees ‘empowerment, the satisfaction of quality employees and their institutional commitment are vital elements of the investigation. In the education sector, the empowerment of the employee is deemed so important to achieve quality education ( bin Wan Mohd, 1993 ).

Out of 293 participants, the total of 160 was male and 133 were female respondents. The participation of female respondents in this study indicated their curiosity for teachers’ empowerment, their job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. In the data gathering of this study, five age groups were focused from whom the data was collected. The highest number of participants was of age group 26-30 years. This age group is young and energetic. Further, the experience level also indicated that the most of the academic staff is new and young. Three education levels were considered from whom the data was gathered.

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